Thursday, 5 March 2015

Azure Data factory

What is Azure data factory?

A simplistic view is that Azure data factory (ADF) is the cloud evolution of  SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) - the tool traditionally used to perform Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) operations from hetergenous data sources into an Enterprise data warehouse that ships with the on-premises MS SQL server product. The ability to ETL is where the similarities end between SSIS and ADF. 

ADF allows for connection to unstructured, semi-structured data from cloud and on-premises sources. For example an unstructured cloud source could be Twitter, whilst a structured on-premises source could be SQL Server. ADF is known as a composition platform - it takes other services (storage, compute and movement services) and puts a management layer on top. ADF orchestrates and operationalises analytics and data movement services.

Azure Data Factory supports the following capabilities to enable simple consumption of the data produced:

  •     Easily move (one time or scheduled) the produced data assets to relational data marts for consumption using existing BI tools (Excel, Tableau, etc…).
  •     Consume data assets produced by a data factory directly using Power Query in Excel

Central Concepts of ADF


A pipeline is composed of a set of activities and data sets. Activities are processing steps that take one or more datasets as input and produce one or more data sets.  Typical data transformation activities in Azure Data Factory are performed through Hive, Pig and custom C# processing running on Hadoop (Azure HDInsight). Pipelines are defined with simple JSON scripting and activated via PowerShell commands. Unlike SSIS there is no fancy drag and drop rapid application development enviroment - at least not yet.

Useful skills for building pipelines

The Hub Container

A central concept to ADF is the Hub Container. Data storage and processing services are collected into a Hub container which facilitates and optimizes computation and storage activities, enables unified resource consumption management, and provides services for data movement as-needed.

Application Model


A slice is a logical time based partitioning of the data produced by one or more activity runs. A table in an Azure data factory is composed of slices over the time axis. The width of a slice is determined by the schedule – hourly/daily. IT Professionals can view all the downstream data slices for a given time interval and rerun a slice in case of a failure. This is a handy time saving feature when dealing with large volumes of data.

Monitoring ADF

The health of your data factories can be monitored through the Azure preview portal. Here you can see all the details of your factory including any linked services, datasets etc. The Azure preview portal also contains as the Azure Data factory editor - a lightweight which allows you to create, edit, and deploy JSON files of all Azure Data Factory entities. This enables you to create linked services, data sets, and pipelines by using the JSON templates that ship with the Data Factory service. If you are new PowerShell, this removes the need for installing and ramping up on Azure PowerShell to create Azure data factories.

Disposable compute services

One of many things you can do with ADF is to automate creating compute services on the fly for a particular operation and tear them down afterwards. So you can define a HDInsight cluster and when the pipeline runs it will put the cluster together on the fly. This reduces your overall operational costs if you only need the service for a short period.

The Obligatory Microsoft 50,000 foot view of ADF

Here's a short (very) high level clip of the Azure Data factory service.


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